what makes a family
6 out of 10 don't believe that any form of communication had caused them to learn more about becoming a foster parent. The great majority also suggested debunking the “myths” regarding foster children and fostering. So wee needed to develop a campaign that was multifaceted and locally activated. One that generates buzz, emotional connection, and brand recognition. There's a sea of foundations and non-profits with similar choices, offers and voices.
What does family look like? What does family really mean? Who is part of a family? We wanted everyone to rethink the notion of family. But our goal was not to tell people what they have to think… we rather wanted to tell them WHY CITRUS does what it does. While others try to find the meaning of life, foster parents become the meaning of life to others.
It took us several weeks to do the casting of real foster families. The key of this campaign was authenticity. We brought a Director and Director of Photography from Los Angeles, Sergio Vizuete and Gabo. We needed to capture the chemistry among these foster teens, kids, babies, and their families. In addition, it was also very important to us to respect their feelings during the whole film.
What makes a family a family? From the first meeting, from the very first moment we met with people from CITRUS, we saw what family really means. Everything is easier than we think. A family is not that kind of conventional idea we all have in our minds, a family is the one we make. As we wrote in the script:"don’t we all have a friend we consider a sister or brother? When have we started to believe that family is only about biology? Family is about sharing values, meaning, and important moments… Making a family takes love not genes. Family is where you belong not where you come from. We believe that family is who makes you feel like family."
"Plus 305 is made up of passionate, creative, and caring individuals who come together to make meaningful and impactful content. We had such a wonderful experience working with them to develop and produce a series of videos and photos to recruit foster parents in Miami-Dade. They assembled a group of volunteers who freely and openly gave of their time and talent to help improve the lives of children in our community who are most in need. It was beautiful, and we are so appreciative of their support and commitment." Leslie M. Veiga, Communications Director of Citrus Health Network, Inc. & Citrus Family Care Network.
There’s a difference between a kid playing with a ball and a kid moving our heart... The difference is an emotional connection. That's why we have such a strong connection with this piece.
For us, it was an incredible experience to be a part of CITRUS for this project and help people get involved in a mission of loving others. It's a campaign that expanded our hearts and brought out the best version of all of the team members who worked on it.
Here is a beautiful making of, where you can see the behind the scenes of both commercials.