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Miami Dade County & plus305 Launch First Ever Heat Campaign

Chief Heat Officer Jane Gilbert called us one day saying that she needed to communicate Miami-Dade’s heat-related dangers due to climate change through a creative social sustainability campaign for the local county within only 2 weeks. Hearing about this impactful assignment, we immediately jumped on board. The first question for our creative team was: how can we convey the rather dull Public Service Announcement information in a way that is engaging. 

Studies show that vulnerable populations are more at risk of being affected by heat-related illnesses and deaths. According to the Weather Channel, heat has been the leading cause of death in the US among weather-related fatalities for 30+ years and often happens on days with average rather than extreme heat. Per a 2018 study by a group of climate researchers, Miami experiences 133 high heat days every year – 27 more than it did in 1995. By 2075, the number is projected to hit 162. Yet, heat has failed to compete for media and government attention with Miami's other major climate challenge: sea level rise.

The creation of this first ever heat campaign in Miami was made to protect everyone but especially those in lower-income neighborhoods inland where tree cover is 30% less than in upscale coastal areas, putting locals at risk during crises due to limited resources; waiting for buses on unshaded benches, no AC unit, and working outdoors on roofs. There is a strong correlation between equity and climate resilience, and the campaign works towards inclusion by targeting vulnerable zip codes with Creole and Spanish versions and a targeted media plan. Miami-Dade County is drawing awareness to dangers in rising temperatures by declaring an annual “heat season” that will run from May 1 through Oct. 31 to increase extreme heat preparedness. As climate impacts mount, so does the urgency of resolving the equity challenge. Those least responsible for climate change are often the most vulnerable to changes in weather patterns and sea level rise, further exacerbating inequities.

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Running throughout the summer of 2022, the campaign was launched in partnership with Chief Heat Officer, Jane Gilbert, Resilience Coordinator, Sandra St.Hilaire and Mayor Daniella Levine Cava at the Adrienne Arsht Center during the Forum on Global Resilience in May, on TV, radio, all digital channels and billboards. 


Produced in collaboration with Director Sergio Vizuete and local Miami Slam Poetry artist Sharonda Richardson aka Eccentrich, Alberto Jaen says, “Slam poetry came to mind because it connects the audience directly to culture, with a rhythm - like in a music video, creating an emotional connection. For the images, we scoured the streets and filmed to align visuals with feelings, evoking the target like a piece of art. The poet sets the tempo while reciting the words, with accompanying music emphasizing the crescendo towards the end. Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being affected by heat-related illnesses, so we put them in the spotlight.”


The Miami Dade County Heat Awareness Campaign 2022 has been exposed 11.8 million times (impressions) in through traditional media during

the course of the campaign. This means that an estimated 3,586,736 Miami Dade residents have been reached through TV & Radio and an

estimated 1,078,976 Miami Dade residents* have been reached through outdoor posters and billboards.

On social media, our efforts have created 2,303,932 impressions and generated 533,962 views on youtube. Furthermore, we received 79,930

interactions (Engagement) from users including likes, comments, shares, saves, etc. and 721,930 unique people have seen our content in their

feed, no matter if it was clicked or not (Reach). 

*Please note that TV and Radio does not only air in Miami-Dade county but also in the Counties of Broward, Monroe, and South Palm Beach.

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